


八丈島のバーデビュー: The very first bar call on the island

八丈島のバーデビュー。オリジナルカクテルは 島の焼酎八重桜に抹茶リキュールと明日葉茶。 島の香りたっぷりのすっきり飲みやすいカクテルでした。 BarRさんにて。 The very first bar call on the island. Tried the original cocktail, the locally made …

初八丈島猫写真:The First Cat Photos of the Island

ドライブ中猫発見。車を降りて猫の姿を追って角を曲がるとThe very first cat photos from Hachijo Island. I saw a cat figurefrom the car. Got off the car, turned around the corner, and I found Cats! Two of them, mother and a kitten.猫です。二匹…

ニホンヤモリ: Japanese gecko

窓ガラスの上にいた蝿を狙っていたのですが、 カメラを気にして降りていってしまいました、:( Japanese gecko. It was eyeing a fly on the window. But it didn’t like me pointing the camera, turned around and disappeared.

台風過ぎて:After the Typhoon

台風5号八丈島東約290km時の底土港。 When there was typhoon 290 km east of Hachijo Island, Sokodo Port had... さぶん Rumble ざっぱん Crash どど~ん!!! ROAR!!!

東京上京:To Tokyo

The sea is calm, luckily. 海は静か。良かった。 白黒だと一昔の写真みたい。 Black-and-white makes the photo look like a once-upon-a-time scene. The brand new cabin (to me), complete with shoe box at the entrance, allocated space for each pas…

日本初ドライブは島観光:The First Drive in Japan is Sightseeing on the Island

今日は休暇の二日目。日本での運転デビューを 果たしました。無事帰って来れてホッとしてます。 The second day off, and I drove in Japan for the first time. I managed to come back in one piece, both me and the car. What a relief! 巨大なキノコ雲…

八丈島一周ドライブ:Drive Around the Island

My first day off from work, my colleague drove me around the island.Sparkling ocean, the early summer breeze full of sweet fragrance of blooms,vivid colored flowers swayed everywhere. Yes, we are on a sub-tropical island!昨日は初休日1日目…

八丈島 上陸:Arrived at Hachijo Island

Left my brother's place this morning. 今朝弟宅を出発。 Breakfast at Musashi-Urawa Station. Edamame-bread, croquet-bread, and banana bread, with dargeeling tea. Yum. 武蔵浦和駅にて朝食。枝豆パン、コロッケパン、バナナパンとダージリン。美味し…