



Q: What did one road say to the other road?
A: Hi, Way!

Q: What animal can't be trusted in a game?
A: A cheetah!

Q: What kind of music do rabbits like?
A: Hip-Hop!

There were three nuns, died on the same day. At the heaven's gate, the God said to them. "To enter the heaven, each of you has to answer a question."

God: What was the name of the first man?
1st Nun: That's easy. It was Adam.

Tulalalalah, sounded the trumpets, the gate opened and the first nun disappeared into the heaven.

God: What was the name of the first woman?
2nd Nun: That's even easier. It was Eve.

Tulalalalah, sounded the trumpets, the gate opened and the second nun disappeared into the heaven.

God: What were the first words Eve said to Adam?
3rd Nun: Mmmmm, that's a hard one.

Tulalalalah, sounded the trumpets, and the gate opened.