

 McNaught Comet みられるかも(どきどき)

From about January 15th the comet should be visible low down in the SW evening sky, soon after Sunset, and from about January 19th it should be visible low down in the SE morning sky, just before dawn. As the days pass the comet will appear higher in the evening and morning sky. By January 22 (for Wellington) January 20 (for Auckland) January 24 (for Christchurch) January 25 (for Dunedin) the comet will be visible all night although rather low in the sky around midnight. However as each day passes the comet will fade.

Brightest Comet for Many Years

Scoop: Independence News (12 Jan 07)より

 ニュージーランドでは15日頃より、夕刻、日没直後の南西の空。19日より、夜明け直前の南西の空。オークランドは、20日に一晩中見られる予定。晴れますように、(-人-)。情報提供ありがとうございました、酔漢博士、m(_ _)m。