

白髪染めについて:Dying Hair



About 30 years ago, when I came back from New Zealand after one year stay, I noticed two things upon arriving at Narita airport. One, I had a wider view. I could see right and left without straining my neck so much. I had been buried among the taller people in New Zealand. Two, all heads were in monochrome, either black or gray, compared to colorful New Zealand diverse races. Now, I get buried in Japan as well. Japanese people are growing tall. And their heads are as colorful as anywhere overseas (well not so much blond yet), and rarely sees grays anymore. Do we really need to spend this much effort to cover up the grays? 30年ほど前、NZ滞在1年後に成田空港に降り立ったときの印象。 1: 視界が広い。首を伸ばさなくても左右が見える。NZでは人混みに埋もれていたから。 2: 頭がモノトーン、黒か灰色。NZでの髪の色はまちまちだったから。 現在では日本でも埋もれてます。日本人の身長が伸びたから。日本人の髪の色もまちまち、外国都市とほとんど変わらず(まあ、金髪はまだ少数派ですね)、白髪頭はほとんど見られなくなりました。これほどまでに白髪頭を隠す手間暇をかける必要があるかというと………