


白髪染めについて:Dying Hair

www.facebook.com About 30 years ago, when I came back from New Zealand after one year stay, I noticed two things upon arriving at Narita airport. One, I had a wider view. I could see right and left without straining my neck so much. I had …

日本初ドライブは島観光:The First Drive in Japan is Sightseeing on the Island

今日は休暇の二日目。日本での運転デビューを 果たしました。無事帰って来れてホッとしてます。 The second day off, and I drove in Japan for the first time. I managed to come back in one piece, both me and the car. What a relief! 巨大なキノコ雲…

八丈島一周ドライブ:Drive Around the Island

My first day off from work, my colleague drove me around the island.Sparkling ocean, the early summer breeze full of sweet fragrance of blooms,vivid colored flowers swayed everywhere. Yes, we are on a sub-tropical island!昨日は初休日1日目…

八丈島 上陸:Arrived at Hachijo Island

Left my brother's place this morning. 今朝弟宅を出発。 Breakfast at Musashi-Urawa Station. Edamame-bread, croquet-bread, and banana bread, with dargeeling tea. Yum. 武蔵浦和駅にて朝食。枝豆パン、コロッケパン、バナナパンとダージリン。美味し…

散歩中に会った鳥達: a walk and birds

トゥイ、ニュージーランド原産ミツスイ科スズメ目だそうです。 独特の鳴き声ですぐわかります。 www.youtube.com 茂った枝葉に阻まれ写真は惨敗。 Failed attempt to catch Tui, blocked by branches and leaves, lots of them! オーストラリアツバメ、スポ…

巻き寿司: sushi roll

A variation of bridge, 'human sushi named by my daughter. 変形ブリッジ、巻き寿司人間、娘が命名。

ネコ、猫、ねこ: Cat, Kitty, Kitten

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