




  • 書き方 (spelling)
    • A list of ten words will come home with your child each week. These are derived from lists suited to the needs of your child. For the words to be retained and transferred to their writing they should be learnt nightly.
  • 読み方 (reading)
    • Minimum of 15 minutes a night Monday-Thursday, but preferable every day of the week.
  • 算数 (mathenatics)
    • At least ten minutes each night (term one), to go over their basic facts (addition 1-20, substraction 1-10) .
  • 課題 (set task for the term)
    • Planet Study: Choose one of the planets that most interests you. Find out all you can about your planet. Present your information on a cardboard shape or in your home work book.

読むのは大好きだけど、書くのは面倒くさい息子は、いつもぶつくさのろのろと書いてます。算数は大丈夫のよう。課題を一番喜んでいるのは……私もこういう宿題をやってみたかった。のっとらないように気を付けないと。ちなみに息子が選んだのは土星カッシーニ探査船がたくさん素敵な写真を撮ってます。楽しそうだなぁ。のっとってはいけない、のっとってはいけない。ここに写真をくっつけてがまんします。夜側で南の面が輝く、土星の環(引用元、PIA07678: Gleaming Rings (NASA Planetary Photojournal)