

 足裏マッサージ "Reflexology" by Chris Stormer

Life is precious - guard it;

Life is a challenge - meet it;

Live is tense - ease it;

Life is a promise - keep it;

Life is a pleasure - enjoy it;

Life is rough - smooth it;

Life is a duty - do it;

Life is life - live it;



By its nature, your body continually strives to be healthy and sickness is a manifestation of its attemp to ward off deterioration and dis-ease. Instead of fighting and suppressing dis-ease, it is important to work with the dis-ease by understanding why it has occurred. (p10)
本来、身体は健康であろうと努める。病気や衰化の対抗手段として現れるのが体調不調だ。病気(病んだ気=元気ではない)に対立して押さえこもうとするのではなく、どうして発症したかを理解して病気(病んだ気)に対処することが大切だ。(和訳 南の猫)


The body constantly changes 98% of its atoms every year and its DNA, at the level of the atoms, ever couple of month. Red blood cells are replaced every 120 days, the skeleton every few months, the liver cells over several weeks, the stomach lining every few days and skin cells every month. Which means that even the most diseased and damaged organ has an opportunity to reproduce itself favourably provided there are healthy environmental conditions. (P11)
毎年、身体の原子は98%が入れ替わる。DNAは二ヶ月ごと、赤血球は120日ごと、骨は2-3ヶ月ごと、肝細胞は5-6週間ごと、胃壁は2-3日ごと、皮膚細胞は毎月。つまり、病に侵され、破壊された器官も、健康的な環境さえ整っていれば、好転するよう復元する機会はある。(概訳 南の猫)


The giver's attitude: Accept the recipients for what they are. Offer no criticism, judgement or advice.
マッサージをする者の心得:受けてをそのまま受け入れる。批判、意見、忠告などしない。(和訳 南の猫)


The gentle massage is based on the homeopathic principle of the weaker the dosage, the more potent the effects. In Reflexology, the lighter the touch, the greater the benefit.
優しいマッサージは、投薬が薄ければ薄いほど効力があるというホメオパシーの主義に通じるものがある。この足裏マッサージ療法は、触れ方が軽いほど、効果が大きい。(和訳 南の猫)





