

 "Futures in Biotech: 1"

タンパク質のフォールディング (protein folding)

Guest: Dr. Susan Lindquist

Dr. Susan Lindquist is a Member of the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Sciences at MIT. Her discoveries in gene folding have lead to paradigm shifts in modern genetics and medicine, including how a protein called HSP90 acts as a capacitor modulate evolution, a process that can even be addressed pharmacologically and possibly used as a strategy in some forms of cancer. Her work also contributes to both our understanding of several protein folding diseases such as Parkinson's and Huntington's and seeks to tackle them head on. Lastly, we discussed her discovery on how to transform yeast prions (similar to the misfolded proteins linked to mad cow disease) into nanowires as used in nanotechnology.



折り方を間違えると、有害、致死性を有するものまで発生する。細胞内は非常に混みあっており、正しく折るのは非常に困難。それを助ける働き者のシャペロン(chaperon or chaperone)。その働き者が過労で目がとどかなくなると、折り方にばらつき。不都合が発生したりする。

